
When Did The Us Government Start Giving Money For Relief

coronavirus stimulus bill ncsl


After an eight-calendar month, terminate-and-get-go test of endurance, Congress passed a $900 billion COVID-relief and $ane.4 trillion government funding packet that gives critical pandemic assist to Americans, while securing federal agency operations through September 2021. While no additional country and local assist was provided, an extension of the deadline by which the Coronavirus Assistance, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) resources must be spent was extended to Dec. 31, 2021.

The mammoth measure, which the president signed into police on Dec. 27, volition provide another circular of directly payments, enhanced unemployment benefits, education funding, and aid to sectors notwithstanding reeling from the economic fallout of the pandemic.

Direct Payments to Citizens

  • Direct economic relief via stimulus checks of $600 for individuals making up to $75,000 per year. $i,200 for couples making up to $150,000, and an extra $600 for dependent children that are under 17 years old.
  • It would apply the similar income limits and phase-out as the CARES Act, reducing the payments past five% for individuals with adjusted gross incomes of more than $75,000. Filers with an adjusted gross income (AGI) greater than $87,000 (or $174,000 if filed jointly) would not receive a payment.
  • Payments would be based on 2019 taxes. Payments could be issued for certain beneficiaries who did non file 2019 returns, including retired and disabled workers, Supplemental Security Income recipients, and veterans receiving VA benefits.

Taxation Provisions

  • Payroll Tax Deferral: Workers whose payroll taxes take been deferred since September would be given until Dec. 31, 2021, to pay dorsum the authorities, instead of through April 30, 2021, equally originally directed past the Treasury Department.
  • Paid Leave Credits: The mensurate would extend credits for paid ill and family leave provided under the 2d coronavirus relief bundle through March 31, 2021.

Modifications to CARES Act and the CRF

  • Extends the date by which country and local governments must make expenditures with CARES Human activity Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) awards from December. 30, 2020, to December. 31, 2021.

Expanded Unemployment Benefits

  • Provides $120 billion in unemployment insurance (UI).
  • Extends the Federal Pandemic unemployment Compensation (FPUC) plan through March 14, 2021, providing $300 per week for all workers receiving unemployment benefits.
  • Extends and phases out the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) to March xiv (after which no new applicants) through April 5, 2021.
  • Extends and phases out the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC), which provides boosted weeks when state unemployment runs out, to March 14 (after which no new applications) through April five, 2021.
    • Provides additional weeks for those who would otherwise frazzle benefits by increasing weeks available from xiii to 24–with all benefits ending April five, 2021.
  • Increases the maximum number of weeks an private may merits benefits through regular state unemployment with the additional PEUC program, or through the PUA programme, to 50 weeks.
  • Provides an additional $100 per week for certain workers who have both wage and cocky-employment income but whose UI benefit calculation does non take their self-employment into account.
  • Extends the interest-free loans to states, flexible staffing and nonprofit relief to March xiv, 2021.
  • Requires documentation of employment, rather than the cocky-certification that is currently in apply and requires states to verify applicant identity.
  • Requires states to have a identify to report when someone turns down a chore and must notify claimants of the requirement to accept suitable piece of work.
  • States may opt to provide an extra do good of $100 per calendar week for up to eleven weeks through March 14, 2021, for sure workers who have both wage and at least $v,000 of self-employment income in most contempo taxable twelvemonth ending prior to application.

Other Labor-Related Provisions

  •  The Families Outset Coronavirus Response Human action (FFCRA) provided a refundable taxation credit for the mandated paid sick leave and family exit for private-sector employers with under 500 employees:
    • This neb extends the tax credit through March 31, 2021, for employers that continue to offering paid sick and family exit to their employees.
    • The bill does not extend the FFCRA provisions that required the public sector employers (state and local government entities) to provide emergency paid sick and family unit leave.
    • The unfunded federal mandate for country governments to provide emergency paid sick and family leave is even so set to dusk on Dec. 31, 2020.
    • The pecker does allow individual sector employers and cocky-employed individuals to claim the taxation credit for voluntarily providing emergency paid get out that is provided through March 31, 2021
  • Extends and expands the CARES ACT employee retention tax credit (ERTC).
  • Beginning on Jan. 1, 2021, and through June xxx, 2021, the provision does the post-obit:
    • Increases the credit rate from 50%  to lxx% of qualified wages.
    • Expands eligibility for the credit by reducing the required year-over-yr gross receipts decline from 50% to xx% and provides a safe harbor allowing employers to use prior quarter gross receipts to determine eligibility.
    • Increases the limit due north per-employee creditable wages from $ten,000 for the year to $10,000 for each quarter.
    • Increases the 100-employee delineation for determining the relevant qualified wage base of operations to employers with 500 or fewer employees.

Small Business Provisions

  • Provides $325 billion in modest business organization funds.
    • $284.v billion for first and second forgivable Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans.
      • A small-scale business tin can receive a 2d PPP loan if they take less than 300 employees and can demonstrate a revenue reduction of 25%.
      • Maximum loan amount reduced to $2 million.
    • $20 billion for new Economic Injury Disaster Loan Grants for businesses in low-income communities.
    • $xv billion in funding for live venues, contained picture show theaters, and cultural institutions.
    • $3.5 billion for connected Small-scale Business Administration debt relief payments.
    • $2 billion for enhancements to Pocket-size Business Assistants lending.
  • Businesses that received PPP loans would be able to take tax deductions for the expenses covered past forgiven loans.
  • Expands PPP eligibility for 501 (C)(6) nonprofits, including local newspapers, radio, and television broadcasters, and destination marketing organizations.
  • Provides $12 billion for Customs Development Financial Institutions and Minority Depository Institutions that provide credit and financial services to low-income and minority communities.

Wellness and Human being Services Provisions

Health Legislative Add-Ons:

  • Provides for a one-time, ane-year increase in the Medicare medico fee schedule of 3.75% to back up physicians and other professionals in adjusting to changes in the Medicare doc fee schedule during 2021, and to provide relief during the COVID-nineteen public health emergency.
  • Extension of temporary interruption of Medicare sequestration- provides for a iii-month delay of the Medicare sequester payment reductions through March 31, 2021.
  • Authorizes a national campaign to increment sensation and knowledge of the rubber and effectiveness of vaccines for the prevention and control of diseases, to combat misinformation, and to disseminate scientific and evidence-based vaccine-related information. It also directs the Department of Health and Homo Services (HHS) to expand and raise, and as appropriate, establish and amend programs and activities to collect, monitor and analyze vaccination coverage data (the percentage of people who have had certain vaccines). The section as well requires the National Vaccine Informational Commission to update, every bit appropriate, the report entitled, "Assessing the State of Vaccine Confidence in the United States: Recommendations from the National Vaccine Advisory Committee." Finally, it authorizes grants for the purpose of planning, implementation, and evaluation of activities to address vaccine-preventable diseases, and for research on improving awareness of scientific and evidence-based vaccine-related information.

Man Services Legislative Add-Ons:

  • Temporary freeze for "crumbling out" foster youth: Provides older foster youth who would normally "age out" with the assurance that they may continue to receive foster care supports and services during the pandemic, or if they left, may return. It permits states to employ pandemic Chafee Foster Care Independent Living Program funds to offset the cost of meeting this requirement for youth for whom federal foster care matching is not available.
  • Temporary Family First match waived: Temporarily waives the match for Family unit First Prevention Services until the end of the public health emergency period.
  • Temporary Prevention Services Clearinghouse Country Match Waived: Temporarily waives the required state match and the requirement that the specific model be in the federal Prevention Services Clearinghouse for kinship navigator programs funded with FY 2020 funds and maintains requires that programs, which are not in the Clearinghouse be nether evaluation, or begin an evaluation to be funded. The evaluation costs are included in the costs of federal funds.
  • Title IV-E Technical FMAP Correction- technical correction to Title Four-Eastward treatment of the 6.ii% Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) charge per unit increase from the Families First Coronavirus Response Deed making information technology so it applies to the baseline based on the annual average FMAP rate in the country for FY2020 and FY2021, to ensure access to Funding Certainty Grants.
  • Maternal, Babe and Early Childhood Dwelling house Visiting Program (MIECHV) Flexibilities: Provides needed flexibilities to dwelling visiting programs funded by MIECHV to permit them to serve at-risk pregnant women and families during the pandemic, for the duration of the public health emergency period.

HHS Appropriations:

  • $73 billion to HHS to support public wellness, including:
  • $8.75 billion to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to support federal, country, local, territorial and tribal public health agencies to distribute, administer, monitor and track coronavirus vaccination to ensure broad-based distribution, admission and vaccine coverage, including:
    • $4.5 billion for country, local, territorial, and tribal public health departments.
    •  $300 one thousand thousand for a targeted effort to distribute and administer vaccines to loftier-take chances and underserved populations, including racial and ethnic minority populations and rural communities.
  • $22.945 billion for the Office of Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response to respond to coronavirus, including:
    • $19.695 billion for the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Potency for manufacturing and procurement of vaccines and therapeutics, every bit well as ancillary supplies necessary for the assistants of vaccines and therapeutics.
    • $3.25 billion for the Strategic National Stockpile.
  • $55 million for Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for continued work on FDA efforts to facilitate the development and review, both pre-marketplace and postal service-market, of medical countermeasures, devices, therapies, and vaccines to gainsay the coronavirus. In add-on, funds volition support medical product supply chain monitoring and other public wellness research and response investments.
  • $25.4 billion to the Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund to back up testing and contact tracing to effectively monitor and suppress COVID-nineteen, too as to reimburse for health care-related expenses or lost revenue attributable to the coronavirus, including:
    • $22.4 billion for testing, contact tracing, and other activities necessary to finer monitor and suppress COVID-nineteen, including $2.5 billion for a targeted attempt to improve testing capabilities and contact tracing in high-risk and underserved populations, including racial and ethnic minority populations and rural communities.
    • $3 billion in additional grants for hospital and health care providers to be reimbursed for health care-related expenses or lost revenue straight owing to the public health emergency resulting from coronavirus, along with direction to allocate non less than 85% of unobligated funds in the Provider Relief Fund through an awarding-based portal to reimburse wellness care providers for financial losses incurred in 2020.
  • $1.25 billion for National Institutes of Health (NIH) to support enquiry and clinical trials related to the long-term effects of COVID-nineteen, too as continued back up for Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics for COVID-19.
  • $four.25 billion for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to provide increased mental wellness and substance abuse services and back up, including:
    • $ane.65 billion for the Substance Abuse and Prevention Handling Block Grant.
    • $1.65 billion for the Mental Health Services Cake Grant.
    • $600 million for Certified Community Behavioral Wellness Clinics.
    • $50 one thousand thousand for suicide prevention programs.
    • $50 million for Project Aware to support school-based mental health for children.
    • $240 million for emergency grants to states.
    • $ten 1000000 for the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.
    • Non less than $125 1000000 of funds provided to the SAMHSA must be allocated to tribes, tribal organizations, urban Indian wellness organizations, or wellness service providers to tribes across a diverseness of programs.
  • $10.25 billion for Administration for Children and Families to support early childhood programs and child-care providers through:
    • $10 billion for Child Care and Evolution Block Grants to provide firsthand assistance to kid-care providers.
    • $250 million for Head Start.
  • $100 million for Administration for Community Living to accost abuse, neglect, and exploitation of the elderly, including adult protective service and long-term care ombudsman activities.
  • While not included within the stimulus provisions, the FY 2021 appropriations nib allocated $638 million to carry out a new Low-Income Household Drinking Water and Wastewater Emergency Assistance Plan "to preclude, set up for, and respond to coronavirus."
    •  The program will make grants to states and tribes, which would so distribute the funds to drinking water and wastewater utilities. The provision directs the HHS to target the funding to "low-income households, particularly those with the everyman incomes, that pay a loftier proportion of household income for drinking water and wastewater services."

Nutrition and Food Appropriations and Legislative Add Ons:

  • $100 1000000 for state administrative costs through fiscal year 2021 and requires these funds to be made available to states within threescore days of enactment.
  • $5 million for technical support to the Section of Agronomics (USDA) in expanding the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) online purchasing program, including for farmers markets and direct marketing farmers, and for supporting mobile payment technologies and the electronic benefit transfer system.
  • $614 million to Puerto Rico and American Samoa for nutrition assistance, of which $14 1000000 shall exist available to the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
  • Increases the monthly SNAP benefit level past 15% through June 30, 2021.
  • Excludes FPUC from being counted toward household income for SNAP.
  • Extends SNAP eligibility to college students who are eligible for a federal or state piece of work-study program or has an expected family contribution of zero. Subsection (f) directs the HHS secretary to submit a report on the redemption rate and account balances for each month from January 2021 to June 2021.
  • Shortens the statutory waivers for certain SNAP quality command requirements from Sept. thirty, 2021, to June 30, 2021.

Agriculture Provisions

  • Includes $thirteen billion for agriculture product in new agricultural help, including direct payments to farmers producers, protections for food and agriculture workers, and specific support for smaller producers. Since March 2020, direct payments comprised the bulk of the farm assistance, with the USDA providing $23 billion. The $13 billion included in this pecker is broken down by:
    • Approximately $5 billion for supplemental $20 per acre payments to all row ingather producers.
    • $225 1000000 for supplemental payments to producers of specialty crops like fruits, basics and vegetables.
    • Upwards to $3 billion for supplemental payments to cattle producers, contract growers of livestock and poultry, dairy farmers, and producers who were forced to euthanize livestock or poultry due to the COVID crisis.
    • $1.5 billion to fund purchases of food, including seafood, for distribution to those in need, and to provide worker protection measures, and retooling support for farmers, farmers markets.
    • $400 million for a Dairy Product Donation Program, modeled after the 2018 Farm Bill pilot milk donation plan.
    • $60 million in grants to modest meat and poultry processors.
    • $100 meg for Specialty Crop Block Grants (SCBG) to support specialty crops.
    • $100 million for the Local Agronomics Market place Plan.
    • $75 1000000 for the Farming Opportunities Preparation Outreach program.
    • $28 million for state agriculture departments to fund programs aimed at confronting farmers' mental health crunch and stress.
  • Allows the USDA secretary to provide aid to biofuel producers who have been impacted by the steep drop in gasoline consumption in 2020.
  • Establishes a loan calculation for the initial circular of the PPP loans for farmers and ranchers, and allows Farm Credit Organisation Institutions to exist eligible to brand loans under the Paycheck Protection Plan.

Transportation Provisions

  • Overall, the pecker provides $45 billion to the transportation sector.
  • Approximately $9.8 billion is allocated to country departments of transportation (DOT); Surface Transportation Cake Grant Program (STBGP) funds are available until Sept. 30, 2024.
    • Beyond STBGP eligibilities, funds are also available for preventive maintenance, routine maintenance, operations, personnel, including salaries of employee (including those employees who have been placed on administrative leave) or contractors, debt service payments, availability payments, and coverage for other revenue losses.
    • Approximately, xiv% of these highway funds are sub-allocated merely to localities over 200,000 in population. State funds tin can also be transferred to public tolling and ferry agencies.
  • Provides $15 billion in transit aid primarily destined for local governments with about $13.three billion for urbanized areas and $1 billion for rural areas, a program run past state DOTs.
  • Provides $two billion for airports, most of which is directed towards large commercial airports.
    • $ane.75 billion for commercial service airports with more than than 10,000 annual rider boardings, which is and so carve up based on the number of annual boardings.
    • $200 one thousand thousand, also for commercial airports, to provide relief from hire and minimum almanac guarantees to on-drome auto rental and parking, and in-terminal airport concessions.
    • General aviation airports will share $45 meg based on their airport categories
  • Provides $15 billion for airlines to support payrolls, $1 billion to Amtrak, with $655 1000000 for the Northeast Corridor and $344 million for the national network, and $two billion split up betwixt the motorcoach, schoolhouse bus and ferry industries.

Instruction Provisions

  • Provides $82 billion for an Education Stabilization Fund to remain available through Sept. 30, 2022.
  • $54.three billion for the Unproblematic and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund. Schools can use the relief to address learning loss, better school facilities and infrastructure to reduce the run a risk of transmitting the coronavirus, and purchase instruction technology. States must distribute at least 90% of funds to local pedagogy agencies based on their proportional share of ESEA Championship I-A funds. States take the choice to reserve 10% of the resource allotment for emergency needs as determined by the state to address issues responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • $4.1 billion for the Governors Emergency Instruction Relief Fund to apply for education-related pandemic assistance. $2.75 billion would exist set aside for individual schools. Funds are limited to COVID-related needs and cannot be used for vouchers or scholarships for parents.
  • $22.7 billion for the College Educational activity Emergency Relief Fund. $20.two billion to be allocated to public and private non-profit institutions. This resource allotment formula is a change from the CARES Act, which used simply full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment in its allotment formula:
      • 37.five% based on FTE enrollment of Federal Pell Grant recipients.
      • 37.5% based on headcount enrollment of Pell recipients.
      • 11.v% based on FTE enrollment of non-Pell recipients.
      • 11.five% based on headcount enrollment of non-Pell recipients.
      • 1% based on the relative share of full-time equivalent enrollment of students who were Federal Pell Grant recipients and who were exclusively enrolled in altitude instruction courses prior to the qualifying emergency.
      • one% based on the relative share of the total number of students who were Federal Pell grant recipients and who were exclusively enrolled in distance education courses prior to the qualifying emergency.
    • Provides $680.ix million to for-profit colleges to provide financial aid grants to students.
    • Provides $one.7 billion to historically black colleges and universities (HBCU), tribal colleges and minority-serving institutions.
    • Provides $113 one thousand thousand for institutions with the greatest unmet need related to the pandemic or those not served by the primary formula, such as independent graduate students.
    • Institutions can apply the stimulus money for lost acquirement, reimbursement for expenses, applied science costs due to the shift to online learning, fiscal help for students and more. The bill directs schools to prioritize grants for students with infrequent need. Colleges and universities cannot apply the funds for recruitment activities, athletics facilities, religious teaching or senior administrator salaries or bonuses.
  • Provides $819 million to the Bureau of Indian Education-operated and funded schools and tribal colleges and universities.
  • Maintenance of Effort (MOE): States must maintain spending on both 1000-12 and higher education in FY 2022 at least at the proportional levels of such state'southward support for elementary and secondary didactics and for higher education relative to such state'southward overall spending, averaged over FY 2018, FY 2019, and FY 2020. The MOE tin can be waived by the secretary of Education.
  • Schools that receive funding would have to go on to pay their employees and contractors during any closures, to the greatest extent practicable.

Broadband Provisions

  • $7 billion to expand broadband admission for students, families and unemployed workers. It includes:
    • A new $3.ii billion Emergency Broadband Benefit that volition provide $l per month for broadband for low-income families.
    •  $300 million for rural broadband.
    • $250 million for Federal Communications Commission's telehealth program.
    • $285 one thousand thousand to fund a pilot program to assist with broadband issues for historically Black colleges and universities.
    • $1.9 billion for "rip and replace" efforts related to Huawei and ZTE equipment in U.Southward. networks.
    • $1 billion in grants for tribal broadband programs.
    • $65 meg to improve broadband mapping.

Housing Provisions

  • Provides a temporary extension to the current CDC eviction moratorium and an additional $25 billion in emergency rental help.
  • Extends eviction moratorium until Jan. 31, 2021.
  • Eligible renters will receive the assistance to pay for hire, utility payments, any unpaid rent and/or unpaid utility bills.
  • A household may receive upwardly to 12 months of assistance, however, an additional three months may be added if it is necessary to ensure the family remain housed.
  • Establishes a 4% floor for calculating housing tax credits related to acquisitions and housing bond-financed developments.
  • Treasury will distribute funds to states and localities using the same formula used to distribute the CRF. Small states will receive a minimum of $200 million in emergency rental help. Localities with populations over 200,000  may request to receive their allocation of emergency rental assistance directly. Under the programme, D.C. is treated as a state. The U.South. territories would share a gear up-bated of $400 1000000 (with a modest territory set up-aside), while $800 meg would exist prepare aside for Native Americans, Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians.

U.Southward. Postal Service

  • Provides $10 billion in directly funding to the USPS without requiring repayment. These funds will be used for operational costs and other expenses resulting from the COVID-xix pandemic. This funding was repurposed from the CARES Act.

Disaster Relief

  • Provides a 40% taxation credit of wages (up to $6,000 per employee) to employers in disaster zones (areas where individual and public assist is mandated). The credit will employ to wages paid without regard to whether services associated with those wages were performed.
  • Increases the low-income housing tax credit allocations in states that experienced disasters in 2020–the increase is equal to $3.50 multiplied by the number of residents in qualified disaster zones and is capped at 65% of the land'southward 2020 credit allocation.


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